The world of marketing is ever-changing, with the rise of digital marketing, newer technologies bring about new ways for companies to promote products and services. Many countries like Malaysia have adapted to the new technologies and businesses small and large see digital marketing as the go-to way of branding.
So there are many trends which come up when it comes to digital marketing, and here are some of them we see in businesses in Malaysia.

YouTube and Instagram are powerful platforms to market on, especially in Malaysia. Many influencers have garnered a loyal following of significant numbers, so if you could get them to promote your product, it would be very beneficial.
As of now, getting influencers to promote your stuff is not that costly, it all depends on how popular they are. So do scour the web for up and coming influencers who can promote your products!
You could start by offering free samples of your product to them and perhaps they can review it.

You may have noticed that some company sites and even some Facebook pages have automated chat bots. This is due to the fact that people want to seek information immediately, hence their presence is needed. Rather than send emails which may take days to be answered, chat bots allow you to give answers in mere hours, even minutes, sometimes, instantaneous.
There are two kinds of chatbots out there:
Website Chatbots
Like the name suggests, these chatbots are placed on respective company websites, and they can help answer common questions by users.
Messenger Chat bots
Again, like the name suggests, Messenger chatbots are usually found on the Facebook page of the company. With messenger chatbots, you can actually send promotions to visitors while answering their queries.
Chatbots may spell the end for email marketing in the future.
Ads on Facebook and Instagram

Instagram and Facebook have become immensely popular among the Malaysian market. Nearly every young person in Malaysia has an account on both platforms.

Facebook ads have shown results but now they have become rather pricey, this is because of increasing demand on that platform. But Instagram, compared to Facebook doesn’t have a large demand, this is why so many smaller businesses are taking to Instagram to promote themselves there.
Mobile Priority

Mobile phone traffic among users is increasing, eventually, more than half of all searches will be done via a mobile platform. And that number will only increase. This is because people want to search for things while on the go, say they thought of something as they were out and about, and they want to look it up, now they can as they could simply open up their mobile browser and look it up.
This means that companies have to ensure that their websites are compatible with mobile platforms. To improve conversion rates, companies have also included “call to action” features like adding phone numbers or WhatsApp numbers in their contact details.
If sites are not mobile friendly, companies could lose a significant amount of potential customers as mobile users will only be frustrated with sites that are not mobile friendly and leave.
Multi-channel Marketing

Also referred to as Omni-channel marketing, this is when companies use multiple digital channels to market their product, basically it is when a company has several social media accounts. Like individuals, businesses are also on several platforms.
For example, a company can have a Facebook page, a Twitter page, a YouTube channel and so on. With this marketing technique, people across all platforms will be able to see your ads and know about your company therefore increasing brand awareness and perhaps even sales.
Personalised Marketing

This marketing strategy involves analysing data to deliver personalized marketing messages to different individuals. Most companies these days now segment their targeted audience into groups. For example, one group would be females and one males, or one group are people below the age of 30 living in one area and another living in another area.
Based on which group is being marketed to, companies cannalter language and tone to better fit the people they are targeting.
This is so that companies market to the right people, people who actually are in need of the product they are offering.
Hopefully this article gave better insight into the current marketing trends we may see. But like the world around us, the world of digital marketing is forever changing, so who knows? Maybe there will be even more exciting pieces of technology that can increase the capability to market, only time will tell.